Dinner Meetings
Monthly, September-May, on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday
At Big Spring Country Club, 5901 Dutchmans Lane, Louisville, KY 40205
Meeting dates are listed on below and in our newsletter, the Adjutant Call
If you do not make a reservation, you may not get fed!
The Roundtable must give Big Spring an accurate count of reservations no later than the Wednesday before a Saturday Meeting, or the Thursday before a Sunday Meeting.
Reservations can be made and paid for by clicking the links next to the Speakers picture.
Reservations can also be made by emailing Doug Krawczyk at rdklou1@gmail.com or by calling Doug at 502-592-6864.
PLEASE NOTE: If you do not receive a return email from Doug confirming your reservation, YOU DO NOT HAVE A RESERVATION! You must call Doug to make your reservation.
When making a reservation for more than yourself, please list the names of everyone for which you are making a reservation. If you are calling Doug, and get his voicemail, please spell your name so he can properly identify the reservation.
If you wish to join us for just the Program, you must still make a reservation so we can assure you have space and a seat. If you are attending just the Program, you can call Doug anytime up to 4:00P the day of the Meeting.
Reminder for Table Reservations: Tables for parties of eight (8) can be reserved. When making a Table Reservation, please list the names of everyone in your party. That will ensure everyone in your party will be at the same table and enable us to manage our meeting space in a more efficient manner.

Buffet Dinner currently $35.00 per person
Cocktail and Social Hour begins at 6:00 P.M.
Dinner at 7:00 P.M.
Speaker follows the dinner at approximately 8:00 P.M.
Men normally wear coats and ties; women dress appropriately.
Members and guests can come for the speaker's portion of the program only at no charge but must make a reservation so adequate seating is available.
Programs Sep 2024-May 2025

Friday, September 13, 2024
Chris Mackowski
Topic: "The Missed Opportunities of the North Anna"

Friday October 11, 2024
William C. Davis
"Writing Historical Docudramas: Where Fact and Fiction Come Together"

Saturday, November 9, 2024
Brian Willis
Topic: "Gone with the Glory: The Civil War in Cinema"

Friday, December 13, 2024
Tom Mackey
Topic: "Opposing Lincoln: Clement L. Vallandigham, Presidential Power and Dissent in Wartime"

Friday, January 17, 2025
Kent Masterson Brown
Topic: "Andrew Johnson: From Poverty to the Presidency"

Saturday, February 15, 2025
Scott Mingus
"The Louisiana Tigers and the Gettysburg Campaign"
Click for Dinner/Program Reservations
Click for Program Only Reservations

Saturday, March 15, 2025
Chris Kolakowski
Topic: "A Father's Legacy: Simon Bolivar SR, and JR"
Click for Dinner/Program Reservations
Click for Program Only Reservations

Saturday, April 12, 2025
Candace Hooper
Topic: “Lincoln's Generals' Wives”
Click for Dinner/Program Reservations
Click for Program Only Reservations